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Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

The Gargoyle in this story refers to a few different things. it is a story about finding yourself once you don't care what others think anymore. A man is in a car crash and his body is badly burnt, he elaborately plans for his suicide and the day he is released from the hospital when he makes an unlikely friend. The author did a wonderful job making the book readable for everyone, the friend is schizophrenic and believes they had met in several other lives. The man does not believe in the possibility, but he begins to look forward to her stories and he finds peace with himself and something to look forward to in his life. Oddly enough at the end she does what the protagonist had wanted to do from the beginning, bringing the story full circle. If you found this story interesting you may also enjoy Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane.

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