Whatcha reading?

Monday, December 21, 2020
The Shift; Owen Waters
This book connected the global shift to musical notes and memes to chakras. The author gave insight on how to meditate effectively as well as how to manifest the life you want.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Spiritualism and Clairvoyance for Beginners: Elizabeth Owens
This book was filled with exercises to do to develop intuition and claivoyance.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Glynis Has Your Number; Glynis McCants
This was a fun book on numerology, how to tell what motivates you and others, if you are compatable and how to make numbers work for you.Fom choosing a business name, to what street to live on, every number has its own attributes.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Falling Angel; William Hjotsberg
this book was your basic detective fiction until the last two chapters. I was about 10 pages from the end and thinking "how is this possibly all going to come together" it ended much more unexpectantly then I would have ever imagined even though the whole book delt with the occult and voodoo *spoiler- Johnny Angel ends up being the person he is hired to find, he was very into voodoo and sold his soul to the devil, but then thought he could outsmart the devil and took anothers soul.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
What do you want to do before you die? The Buried Life- Ben Nemtin, Dave Lingwood, Duncan Penn, Johnnie Penn
This book both makes you laugh and cry and it is cleverly created so the emotions can be back to back as you turn the page. Odddly inspiring and up lifting. It challenges you to make your own bucket list with anything your heart desires and that life is about goals and growth.
Monday, October 26, 2020
The Chysalids: John Wyndham
A Sci-fi book from 1955 about a post apocalypic world, apparently after there was radiation as they "cull" both animals and humans that don't fit the decription of perfect humans. David, whose father is the minister, has the power of telecommunication along with 5 other children in town. His uncle and mother tell him to keep the ability to himself, whough he is too young to really understand why. His friend Sofie has 6 toes which her parents have kept hidden until she hoes swimming and someone spots her 6 toed wet footprint on a rock. Her family smuggles her out of town. David then has a little sister born who has his telepathic abilities only stronger. He escapes with her and his cousin to start a new life thinking there are more people like them. They meet up with Sofie who is living in a cave...and you don't really know what becomes of them.
Monday, September 7, 2020
You Only Fall in Love Three Times: Kate Rose
This was an interesting concept that for dealiing with personal healing and growth you will fall in love with 3 different types of partners- a soulmate, which is safe and teaches you to love yourself, a karmic partner which will help you clear any past karma with that person and enable your soul to grow, and a twin flame, which will show you unconditional love, but challenge you to become a better person and help you with personal growth.
Monday, August 31, 2020
The Source Field Investigations : David Wilcock
Very interesting book that talked about a variety of subjects. I especially enjoyed the toad in the hole, time storms, tebetian levitation, tornado abnormalities and the company that did DNA reserch and reverted seeds back to their original form; tulips had thorns and wheat was harvested in 3 weeks.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Animal Speak: Ted Andrews
Loved this book, it wasn't exactly what you would assume it is. It talks about finding meaning in nature by what keeps showing up in your life, if you keep seeing turkey vultures, could it mean to apply or be aware of ...in your life. I did learn a lot from this book, like turkey vultures produce a bacteria in their gut to be able to eat rotting meat without getting sick. They are also one of the few species to deficate on their own legs, which helps keep them healthy as those same bacteria in their stomach will come out with the waste and cleans off their legs, which have been walking in rotting animal.
I also loved the inclusion of different cultures beliefs. retold was the Egyptian book of the dead story of the scales of justice when one dies and the deseased has to line up in front all the gods and goddessses as they ask questions like " did you like, steal cheat?" and they all put a stone onto the scale to determine your fate, and the last goddess (Maat?) holds a single turkey feather which finalizes your fate and asks-" Is there one, who is glad that you lived?" and if you could say yes, your soul could move on.
Monday, August 17, 2020
How to see and read the aura: Ted Andrews
This was an educational book with exercises on how to see the aura and how to protect and replenish your own.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Being in Love; How to love with awareness an relate without fear: OSHO
A very good book, some parts seemed sexist, where a woman can only think about things lose to her (family, gossip) whereas a man can have philosophical thoughts, but oer all a goo eye opening causing one to think.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Tell Me What You see; Major Ed Dames
This book confused me. At first it seemed like a story about cultivating special abilities, however, as the book progressed there appeared to be no successes (missing children, Pows not getting rescued) and everyone else getting blamed. I wasn't sure how this book put him in the light of a professional going in and getting things done. It seemed to be more about "sticking it" to those who angered him in some way. He ostracizes those who are probably his audience by calling others with physic powers "witches" and not in a complimentary way. I guess I was just disappointed thinking this book was going to be something different than it was. Maybe there were successes, he just couldn't talk about them due to being classified.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Kundalini The Evolutionary Energy in Man; Gopi Krishna
This was the author's first hand account of awakening his kundalini and how it almost drove him to madness and dead repeatedly.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
The Pale Horse: Agatha Christie
I was Drawn to this book because I wanted to read it before watching the movie. I was surprised it was such a short book...it will be interesting to see how they make a movie out of it. People start mysteriously dying and there's speculation it's due to witch craft. First the people start losing their hair and soon die. Once the plot is uncovered it's obvious a man is killing them with chemical poisoning by replacing products they use regularly with chemically "induced" ones and getting away with it due to the witchcraft theory.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
A Chakra and Kundalini Workbook:Dr. Jonn Mumford
his was an interesting book full of exercises off all types and provided pictures/ drawings for the visual exercises.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The 12th Planet: Zecharia Sitchin
This is an interesting take on the beginning of the world and how ancient texts follow the bible, but what we know as Gods are another life species from another planet- and we were made in their image. They left when the great floods came and are expected to come back.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Bringers of the Dawn: Barbara Marciniak
This was a super interesting spiritual read. It talked about geometry and sounds as well as purpose and intentions. Definitely will need to read this again in the future as I know there is already a lot in it that I missed or didn't understand.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The Wayne Dyer Audio Collection:
This was interesting in that they put these 4 collections together, as you heard the same couple stories over again, but the 4 lectures were all interesting. Basically they talked about putting yourself in the right mindset to lie your life without worrying about what others think or expect of you. To go out and do what makes you happy and to make sure you don't get to the end of your life and have nothing but regret.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
God's Debris: Scott Adams
This was an interesting, thought provoking read, though I am not sure how much I actually understood. The idea is that god is dead and we are just the debris, although the protagonist seems to take on the role of God at the end, which was passed down from a man he delivered a package to as part of his job as a delivery man.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Auras and Colors: Todeschi and Liaros
This book was based on the case studies of Edgar Cayce and is basically notes put into book form.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
A Manuel For Developing Humans: P. M.H. Atwater
This book had everything in it, super interesting and provided a lot of information.
kundalini meditation Harijiwan Khalsa
this was extremely interesting, went through each chakra and use, side effects of being out of balance
Monday, January 27, 2020
Left To Tell: Immaculee Ilibagiza
This was Immaculee's narrative on how she survived the Rwandan genocide, losing most of her family and neighbors in the violence and how she was able to forgive once the war was over.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Advancing Your Spirit: Wayne Dyer and Maianne Williamson
This was a recorded lecture complete with the question and answer section. Both presenters had a speech about being a better person and what living life meant to them.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Aliceheimer's; Alzheimers through the looking glass
This was an interesting and optimistic read on caring for a parent with Alzheimer's. The author goes through heart breaking conversations with her mother, yet she takes them in stride appreciating the rawness and honesty in the conversations. This is an inspiration in how to live in looking for the good and for the lessons.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Chakra Clearing: Dorren Virtue
This was a short precise book for chakra clean that is a great reference for a quick brush- up
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