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Whatcha reading?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Animal Speak: Ted Andrews

Loved this book, it wasn't exactly what you would assume it is. It talks about finding meaning in nature by what keeps showing up in your life, if you keep seeing turkey vultures, could it mean to apply or be aware of ...in your life. I did learn a lot from this book, like turkey vultures produce a bacteria in their gut to be able to eat rotting meat without getting sick. They are also one of the few species to deficate on their own legs, which helps keep them healthy as those same bacteria in their stomach will come out with the waste and cleans off their legs, which have been walking in rotting animal. I also loved the inclusion of different cultures beliefs. retold was the Egyptian book of the dead story of the scales of justice when one dies and the deseased has to line up in front all the gods and goddessses as they ask questions like " did you like, steal cheat?" and they all put a stone onto the scale to determine your fate, and the last goddess (Maat?) holds a single turkey feather which finalizes your fate and asks-" Is there one, who is glad that you lived?" and if you could say yes, your soul could move on.

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