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Friday, September 30, 2011
The Most Dangerous Game: Richard Connell
25 pages and you think you know how it will turn out. I liked the pun on "game" and the fall due to hubris. A famous hunter and author finds himself stuck on a creepy island, then finds himself in an even more sinister game.
Lord Jim: Joseph Conrad
I kept thinking of the Titanic when reading this, though the outcome was happier. Jim, a crew member of a sinking vessel, literally jumped ship to save himself before the passengers, as did the rest of the crew. The passengers end up being rescued and their cowardliness is brought to light. Jim is the only one who goes to trial and cannot forgive himself for his actions. The story is pieced together by a friend named Marlow as he attempts to discover what happened to Jim. Jim ended up settling on a small island and getting married only to find the past still haunted him and eventually leads to his death. A sad story where the protagonist never seemed to be able to find peace or happiness.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Killing Kate: Julie Kramer
Another entertaining, witty read by Kramer. I loved the twist at the end with the counterfeit money, like life with incidents tying together. I still want to know what happened to the victims prestory to make them choose the actions they did...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Member of the Wedding: Carson McCullers
Bizarre story, the girl is very odd, but it is beautifully written. A 12 year old girl's brother is getting married and she fabricates the idea that they are taking her with them after the wedding. Since she has no friends and seems to live in a fantasy world the family's maid tries to explain that it isn't going to happen, which it doesn't. The girl is devastated and this marks a sort of growing up point for her.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shot of Tequila: JA Konrath
Another excellent book by Konrath, you can tell it was his first though since the humor is not as developed as his later stories and the idea that Royce would get so riled up about not being the best when he is trained as a detached killer wasn't a real strong idea. That said I really enjoyed it and spend through the book in a couple hours.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
She's Not There: Jennifer Finney Boylan
Another very heartwarming story by Boylan, what an interesting last name now that I think about it- like boy land, anyway, This book was packed with emotion and so fulfilling to read. It made me think about how I have no one like this in my life, not transexual, but so supportive, everyone Boylan encountered loved her and embraced her courage, which was amazing to me, especially Grace. I also liked how she mentioned smooth writing takes time and revision and she has mastered it. It feels like she is talking to me, not like I am reading abook and I hadn't thought about the work and talent this represents, just enjoyed it. Life is not static!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Reivers: William Faulkner
This book has to be geared toward young readers, though I cannot see myself wanting to read it at that age. For possibly a quarter of the book I had trouble gauging how old Ned and Boon were. I thought they were grown, but as things happened thought they must be slightly older than Lucius because Lucas seemed to make the decisions, but realized it was because he was the boss's grandson. I was also surprised that the entire book was about a horse race, I was sort of expecting some more adventures. Still an enjoyable simple book.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
For Keeps: Natasha Friend
Defiantly a teen book, HOWEVER I had a problem with the parents letting the girls go to a party at 16 yrs old where there are no parents and advertised alcohol, their advice being "just drink beer, nothing stronger". It was a good book though and an enjoyable read.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Hour I First Believed: Wally
This story was quite the masterpiece. I understand why the author chose to write about Columbine, but somehow it seems disrespectful to imagine yourself in such a horrific incident so raw for those there. I enjoyed Lamb's other two books, but this one was odd. Off the bat I had trouble transitioning between the voices of the young protagonist and the current day Mr Quirk the flashbacks didn't seem smooth to me. A lot of the story seems like filler and I waded through it trying to figure out what could be in the remaining pages. Then it all started falling together it had to be difficult to organize so it would come together so well. It was a very good book. The horrible things that happened to he and his wife came so suddenly, just like life, yet he remains calm about it and almost completely unemotional, though not a static character. Another must read.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man: Charles Barkley
A very good book, I picked it up thinking it was going to be an autobiography on Charles Barkley, and not to be mean, was pleasantly surprised it wasn't, since I am not a big basketball fan. The book was composed of thoughts from people who want to better the world and the racial divide. it was only published 6 years ago, and I was amused that he didn't think Obama would become president. The book included historical figures that I ended up researching such as Bass Reeves (incorrectly spelled Reeds) and Myrlie Evers-Williams who were never mentioned in school lessons. The book was inspiring and optimistic about the future through pointing out things that need to change. I would recommend this as a good book to read. I gained a lot of respect for Morgan Freeman since he is not bitter like Barkley came across, he is very much a peaceful Nelson Mandella larger than life hero as is Bill Crosby, whom I hadn't realized had tragically lost a son.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Fixer: Bernard Malamud
Awful story, saddening to know it is based on an actual person. Not only are the accusations ridiculous, but the treatment the person goes through in jail and with the authorities are awful. The saddest thing is that the character does not seem surprised but the prejudice since he has lived with it all his life. Injustice at its most obvious. I am glad Malamud wrote about this man's life so this will not be forgotten.
The Secret Between Us: Barbara Delinsky
A tear jerker of a book. It was interesting how the book concluded, you knew they would have to come clean and fess up to all the lies in the end since it was that sort of book, but you also knew no one would be in trouble. A good read.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
No Country for Old Men: Cormac McCarthy
I had a hard time everyone conveniently had a phone bill with a number they recently dialed available to be tracked with. It was also a very depressing book, I hadn't realized I like the good guys always win, but I felt empty after finishing it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Heretic's Daughter: Kathleen Kent
A book from a different perspective on the Salem witch trials. It shocks me how time and time again in history horrible things happen and no one who is not accuse speaks up about how wrong and ridiculous something is and it gets out of hand.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The 19th Wife: David Ebershoff
I can't do this justice by summing it up, a very good, must read book set up as history intermingled with present day. The ending is exciting as well as happy.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Hope's Boy: Andrew Bridge
I liked the double meaning on the title. It was a book that left you feeling empty and wanting to become a foster parent, though it would take a certain type of person to withstand the children coming and going constantly, it would be hard to form any type of attachment. This man's story was very heart breaking, but knowing that there are millions of people with similar stories is devastating. What happened with Jimmy was shocking, I had to read that line several times. Very well written and his story needed to be heard.
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