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Whatcha reading?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sucess Built to last; creating a life that matters: Porras, Emery, Thompson

This book was packed full of inspiring quotes; "Many things in life don't last, but meaning does" (pg 33) " The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" -Abe Lincoln (45) " Do you care more about being loved than being what you love?" " I found that people who are always worried about the next move in the chess game of life never quite get at that move" (121) This book is a real motivator and talks about the need to do work that you love. It rightly claims that most people can't afford that luxury and stay in a job they don't like to pay the bills, but this book exposes the harsh reality that there is always someone who will love that work and if the company needs to lay people off, it will get rid of those who don't have a passion for the work first. I also like that the book pointed out that you can't wait until the perfect opportunity to do what drives you, or wait until you are in the right mood, the time is now. I especially love that it talked about many well known people and their rise to success; Condoleezza Rice, Roberta Jamieson, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson,

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