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Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Irregulars: Jennet Conant

This book told the story of some famous people's unknown lives during WWII, but it was focused on Roald Dahl, best known today for his children's stories. Though the author tried to make the story non biased, Roald was a horrible person. He was a womanizer and played jokes he thought were funny, but were just mean. He broke women's hearts to make himself feel powerful and I finished the book thinking "what a hateful man". I really hope he was a good father because he sounded like a horrid husband once he married. I understand this was written during the "It's a man's world" era, but the book left me bitter. I am just relieved I never liked his books and won't feel differently about them now. Actually come to think of it, I don't think I liked his books due to the tone of mean-ness in them. I was surprised to learn he wrote one of the screen plays for a James Bond Movie. The book also talked about Dahl's friendships with Ian Fleming, The Roosevelts, Lyndon B and lady bird Johnson, and Charles Marsh-Public, known for starting the welfare foundation.

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