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Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Girl with No Name: Marina Chapman

When picking up this book I was thinking it was going to be a bit unbelievable, but it wasn't!! This book was fascinating, I really wish Marina would have find her biological parents at the end, and that she would have been able to see her monkeys again. Marina was kidnapped as a child and then left in the jungle to fend for herself or die. She ended up wandering terrified for days before coming across some monkeys and watching what they ate and mimicking them. She lives with the monkeys for years after trying to be taken in by a band of natives who make it clear they don't want her. Eventually she shows herself to some trappers and without saying goodbye to her monkeys they throw her in a truck with animals they have taken from the jungle and drop her off at a brothel. Marina eventually runs away to the city and becomes a street kid, then works for a mafia family. She goes from misfortune to misfortune. The mafia family decides she knows too much and must be killed and the neighbor helps her escape to an orphanage. Marina is miserable there and runs away. The neighbor sends her to a daughter in Bogota and that is where the story ends. I really want to know how she ended up in England!!!

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