Whatcha reading?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Golden Compass: Philip Pullman
A cute story for children. I don't know why I laughed so much about the fire drill the happened in a prison in the Arctic. It cracked me up, but a child would probably think nothing of it. I did get the other two books in this series and will probably be entertained even though it is meant for a much younger audience. I liked the original idea about souls being exposed to the world that let others know what sort of person you are.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Anglo Files: Sarah Lyall
This book started out really funny, but then seemed to have nowhere to go, it had spots where it was very slow mixed with really funny things. Not something I would recommend, but still a nice read and funny insightful.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Sweet In-Between: Sheri Reynolds
A cute atypical coming of age book where the girl has had some crummy experiences, but focuses on the things she loves. A father in jail, a creepy neighbor, being raised by her father's girlfriend whose son has violated her and a little "sister" whom she adores, Kendra overcomes her fears of her body and her unpredictable future.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Holy Shit: Gene Logsdon
Humorous though very informative, this book deals with the importance on manure and how to use it to make the richest land possible. A great reference book with amusing historical references.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Buried Evidence: Nancy Taylor Rosenburg
Good reviews, not a very good book, I think I have read other things of hers and they annoy me, first off the story line is just a way to work in the characters getting it on, and there is no way any daughter would get away acting that way to her mom and still get her college and car and allowance- how many parents do any of those three things, let alone all of them?? Hard to get finish reading.
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Monsters of Templeton: Lauren Groff
An excellent book. I wasn't sure what to expect with the title, but it was great. The story weaves in and out of Willie's ancestors lives and the true monster is revealed. The book sets a good pace and in genuinely enjoyable. A woman who believes she is pregnant comes home to her mother and learns alot about her mother and her town. Oh, and a lake monster dies...?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Cruel and Unusual: Patricia Cornwell
A scandal that goes straight up to the Governor who was having an affair when someone murdered his girlfriend. Weeks before the murder is executed the governor releases another prisoner to track down a brief case he had left at his murdered girlfriend's house and was picked up by the murderer. Thinking the case would have been found some ten years ago he deletes all the released prisoners info in order to have him fetch it. He wasn't counting on the prisoner becoming a killer on the loose.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
All That Remains: Patricia Cornwell
Another exciting unpredictable story with Kay Scarpetta. Interesting turns and ideas as well as shocking deaths when the killer is about to get away with the crime. The killer is disturbingly unknown throughout the book and being a bibliophile myself, quite creepy. Targeting couples, the crimes come to a head when the drug crime solving czar's daughter is murdered. At first they think it must be a gang's doing, then realize it was someone much more simple who hadn't known the girl's identity.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Crank: Ellen Hopkins
A great book to scare teens away from drug use, it was a no hold back sort of story. A regular girl goes to visit her dad who abandoned them as children and is introduced to crank, she brings her addiction back home with her and her life takes a downward spiral.
Sleeping With the Enemy: Hal Vaughan
A very good book and well written. Chanel's similarities to Evita were incredible and it was around the same period as well. Coco was fascinating to me, though not in a positive way. It was hard to feel sorry for her and be disgusted with her at the same time. A good insightful read about not only an icon, but the state of France during World War II as well.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Silencing Sam: Julie Kramer
Another spectacular, suspenseful read. Sparks is jealous about a new worker and his luck, but then she finds out he could be a murderer.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Innocent: Scott Turow
An interesting suspenseful book. There were several people I suspected, yet they were all cleared. As a reader I was upset that there were no consequences from the affair for Anna, yet that is so true to life. An enjoyable, though long book that I read out of order and am now needing to start on Presumed Innocent.
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Most Dangerous Game: Richard Connell
25 pages and you think you know how it will turn out. I liked the pun on "game" and the fall due to hubris. A famous hunter and author finds himself stuck on a creepy island, then finds himself in an even more sinister game.
Lord Jim: Joseph Conrad
I kept thinking of the Titanic when reading this, though the outcome was happier. Jim, a crew member of a sinking vessel, literally jumped ship to save himself before the passengers, as did the rest of the crew. The passengers end up being rescued and their cowardliness is brought to light. Jim is the only one who goes to trial and cannot forgive himself for his actions. The story is pieced together by a friend named Marlow as he attempts to discover what happened to Jim. Jim ended up settling on a small island and getting married only to find the past still haunted him and eventually leads to his death. A sad story where the protagonist never seemed to be able to find peace or happiness.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Killing Kate: Julie Kramer
Another entertaining, witty read by Kramer. I loved the twist at the end with the counterfeit money, like life with incidents tying together. I still want to know what happened to the victims prestory to make them choose the actions they did...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Member of the Wedding: Carson McCullers
Bizarre story, the girl is very odd, but it is beautifully written. A 12 year old girl's brother is getting married and she fabricates the idea that they are taking her with them after the wedding. Since she has no friends and seems to live in a fantasy world the family's maid tries to explain that it isn't going to happen, which it doesn't. The girl is devastated and this marks a sort of growing up point for her.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Shot of Tequila: JA Konrath
Another excellent book by Konrath, you can tell it was his first though since the humor is not as developed as his later stories and the idea that Royce would get so riled up about not being the best when he is trained as a detached killer wasn't a real strong idea. That said I really enjoyed it and spend through the book in a couple hours.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
She's Not There: Jennifer Finney Boylan
Another very heartwarming story by Boylan, what an interesting last name now that I think about it- like boy land, anyway, This book was packed with emotion and so fulfilling to read. It made me think about how I have no one like this in my life, not transexual, but so supportive, everyone Boylan encountered loved her and embraced her courage, which was amazing to me, especially Grace. I also liked how she mentioned smooth writing takes time and revision and she has mastered it. It feels like she is talking to me, not like I am reading abook and I hadn't thought about the work and talent this represents, just enjoyed it. Life is not static!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Reivers: William Faulkner
This book has to be geared toward young readers, though I cannot see myself wanting to read it at that age. For possibly a quarter of the book I had trouble gauging how old Ned and Boon were. I thought they were grown, but as things happened thought they must be slightly older than Lucius because Lucas seemed to make the decisions, but realized it was because he was the boss's grandson. I was also surprised that the entire book was about a horse race, I was sort of expecting some more adventures. Still an enjoyable simple book.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
For Keeps: Natasha Friend
Defiantly a teen book, HOWEVER I had a problem with the parents letting the girls go to a party at 16 yrs old where there are no parents and advertised alcohol, their advice being "just drink beer, nothing stronger". It was a good book though and an enjoyable read.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Hour I First Believed: Wally
This story was quite the masterpiece. I understand why the author chose to write about Columbine, but somehow it seems disrespectful to imagine yourself in such a horrific incident so raw for those there. I enjoyed Lamb's other two books, but this one was odd. Off the bat I had trouble transitioning between the voices of the young protagonist and the current day Mr Quirk the flashbacks didn't seem smooth to me. A lot of the story seems like filler and I waded through it trying to figure out what could be in the remaining pages. Then it all started falling together it had to be difficult to organize so it would come together so well. It was a very good book. The horrible things that happened to he and his wife came so suddenly, just like life, yet he remains calm about it and almost completely unemotional, though not a static character. Another must read.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man: Charles Barkley
A very good book, I picked it up thinking it was going to be an autobiography on Charles Barkley, and not to be mean, was pleasantly surprised it wasn't, since I am not a big basketball fan. The book was composed of thoughts from people who want to better the world and the racial divide. it was only published 6 years ago, and I was amused that he didn't think Obama would become president. The book included historical figures that I ended up researching such as Bass Reeves (incorrectly spelled Reeds) and Myrlie Evers-Williams who were never mentioned in school lessons. The book was inspiring and optimistic about the future through pointing out things that need to change. I would recommend this as a good book to read. I gained a lot of respect for Morgan Freeman since he is not bitter like Barkley came across, he is very much a peaceful Nelson Mandella larger than life hero as is Bill Crosby, whom I hadn't realized had tragically lost a son.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Fixer: Bernard Malamud
Awful story, saddening to know it is based on an actual person. Not only are the accusations ridiculous, but the treatment the person goes through in jail and with the authorities are awful. The saddest thing is that the character does not seem surprised but the prejudice since he has lived with it all his life. Injustice at its most obvious. I am glad Malamud wrote about this man's life so this will not be forgotten.
The Secret Between Us: Barbara Delinsky
A tear jerker of a book. It was interesting how the book concluded, you knew they would have to come clean and fess up to all the lies in the end since it was that sort of book, but you also knew no one would be in trouble. A good read.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
No Country for Old Men: Cormac McCarthy
I had a hard time everyone conveniently had a phone bill with a number they recently dialed available to be tracked with. It was also a very depressing book, I hadn't realized I like the good guys always win, but I felt empty after finishing it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Heretic's Daughter: Kathleen Kent
A book from a different perspective on the Salem witch trials. It shocks me how time and time again in history horrible things happen and no one who is not accuse speaks up about how wrong and ridiculous something is and it gets out of hand.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The 19th Wife: David Ebershoff
I can't do this justice by summing it up, a very good, must read book set up as history intermingled with present day. The ending is exciting as well as happy.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Hope's Boy: Andrew Bridge
I liked the double meaning on the title. It was a book that left you feeling empty and wanting to become a foster parent, though it would take a certain type of person to withstand the children coming and going constantly, it would be hard to form any type of attachment. This man's story was very heart breaking, but knowing that there are millions of people with similar stories is devastating. What happened with Jimmy was shocking, I had to read that line several times. Very well written and his story needed to be heard.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I'm Looking Through You: Jennifer Finney Boylan
One of those books you don't want to put down even when you have a small kitchen fire. The dry humor is very much like Sedaris, whom I also love and Burroughs. It's a memoir of growing up and being afraid of becoming who you are without being ostracized. The entire time I thought her sister died tragically, but what really happened was much more heartbreaking. At least she is optimistic that her sister will one day wish to see her. I enjoyed how the story wasn't told linearly and bounced between times as memories lead the way. A must read, I am searching for the other books now.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A Stolen Life: Jaycee Dugard
A very sad story about the creeps in the world and how a little girl grew strength after 18 years of physical and mental abuse. It is written so well that you completely understand how she felt and thought. I know interviewers always ask "why didn't you just leave" but she was 11 when she was kidnapped. She wasn't a strong willed woman, she was used to asking permission for everything. Inspiring, yet very very sad.
Death of An Expert Witness: P.D. James
I don't know why Iwas so flabbergasted this was written by a woman, the voice was very manly, I guess. To the point and void of female emotion. A very good read since you can't predict who is responsible for the murders
Perfect: Natasha Friend
Another great, tear jerking read for teens. A girl suffers from bulimia in an attempt to deal with her life after her dad dies and the family falls apart.
The Principles of Uncertainty: Maira Kalman
This was on a book list somewhere and I put a hold on it at the library not knowing what to expect (I find the best things that way) It ended up being a cute little book of musings on life- including pictures, which left me feeling inspired and cheerful. An uplifting little bitty.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Dragonwyck: Anya Seton
A Gone With The Wind sort of book, without the powerful emotion. A farm girl grows up wanting more from life than cows and plows and gets the opportunity to live with wealthy family to care for their little girl. She ends up falling in love with her cousin who then murders his wife and marries her. She realizes she doesn't understand him and figures out the murder. He foils her plans for escape and then does the unlikely. A sad dark novel.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Go With Me: Castle Freeman Jr.
An amusing story in the way that it is written. A young woman is being terrorized by the town thug and decides to fight back, the sheriff claims there is nothing he can do for her since there is no proof it was the thug and sends her to see the old guys in the town. As the unlikely trio go on a wild goose chase to find this man the story is told by a bunch of old men reminiscing, catching the readers up on who the characters are and how things operate. A surprising outcome, though you see it developing. A satisfying read.
Dead Water Zone: Kenneth Oppel
A good quick read for teens about growing up and growing away from your family and finding your own place- in a way. Paul's younger brother does some work for a laboratory testing the water when he discovered its mysterious properties, which he wants to use to better himself. Paul tries to stop him getting himself into trouble in the process.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Shadow of the Wind: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
I loved this book, one of those true classics you want to read again. I t makes you feel like you have found a mysterious gift, like the Never Ending Story when I was a kid. A little boy stumbles across a book he can't put down and discovers it has a dark past. He decides to track down anything he can about the deceased author after getting a visit from a mysterious man about buying the book. I loved Daniel with his sarcastic wit no one seems to understand. The ending was hinted at as the book progresses, so it is not one of those surprise endings,l but still fulfilling and very enjoyable.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Bounce: Natasha Friend
Another superb book by this author, I hate the way they make me cry though! A 13 yr old's dad remarries suddenly and uproots her and her brother to live with the woman and her six kids. Sad, but realistic as well as uplifting.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Absolutely true diary of a Part-time Indian: Sherman Alexie
A very good, very heartbreaking read written in a way that you are laughing while reading of one boy's misfortunes. One boy compares life on the rez to a white man's life and breaks out of the cycle to become an amazing writer.
Grave's End: Elaine Mercado
A chillingly good read, makes me remember disturbances in my childhood home. A couple and their two children move into a new house filled with spirits. One thing I didn't understand was when they got the house cleansed the miners were able to travel through the house, but not the addition potions of the house- explained by the addition not being there when the miners were alive. However the house wasn't there when the miners were buried, it was moved by one of the previous owners from around the corner.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lush: Natasha Friend
An excellent teenage book about growing up in a family that is seemingly perfect from the outsiders prospective, though the father is an alcoholic and the mother is an enabler. The story deals with the typical teenage issues of peer pressure and adolescent friends, but focuses on the destructive parents.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Interest Of Justice: Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
Interesting title, with the double meaning of interest. I enjoyed the book even with the disturbing crime, but the attempts at romance seem unnecessary and awkward. The author was clever on concealing who the pervert was while hinting it could have been several people. A judge is searching for a pedophile among her friends responsible for killing her sister and brother-in-law. She never suspected her own friend.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Love You More: Lisa Gardner
An excellent story with so many twists and turns that you can't predict what is going to happen. I was actually surprised that the little girl was still alive in the end. I also don't know what took so long for the bomb to go off if they walked forever to get to it, but she and the trooper had time to get back to the van and wait? Still a fantastic story and well written with emotion and suspense.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Almond: Nedjme
An astonishing book about life as a Muslim woman, though I understand the need for it to be written under a pseudonym, I wish there still wasn't that fear, that men can do whatever they want- honor killings. The boldness of anger expressed is surprising, yet uplifting that she hasn't lost her soul, or the person she is hasn't been buried by her experiences. The path she chooses is incredible as it is heartbreaking, a must read.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Year of Fog: Michelle Richmond
A terribly sad book that kept me crying throughout. The author is able to make you feel the protagonist's pain and guilt, but the way she handles it at the end so understandingly, is uplifting. A woman is at the beach with her fiance's daughter when the little girl disappears. The fiance believes his daughter must have drowned and holds a funeral service, but almost a year later the woman is still searching for her. The book is about not only how love changes, but the depth of love as well. I understand why the man didn't want to see her anymore, due to his guilt of believing his daughter dead, but the woman is left with no one at the end.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Flesh and Bone: Jefferson Bass
Didn't enjoy this book and couldn't get into it. The cheesy attempts at humor and a likable protagonist were too unnatural and force. The characters are criminal investigators and one turns up dead, he has to solve the mystery before he is blamed for the murder.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Highgate Rise: Anne Perry
Another clever book, Charlotte and her sister emily nosey and investigate the murder (arson) of the doctor's wife. I liked that it wasn't predictable.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Cater Street Hangman: Anne Perry
Another clever mystery by Perry, though I am reading them out of order, I think this is her 1st of the series. A Victorian era daughter gets inquisitive about a series of murders in her town, more precisely on her street. After losing her sister to the murderer at large she get caught up in the web and gets rescued by her fiance/policeman.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: Al Franken
Not a book I would normally pick up, I am not into political debates, but this book was hilarious.
Snowbound: Blake Crouch
I am really enjoying this author, he can write about such diverse topics and in a fast paced exciting way. This one is a must read. A mother goes missing one night and after being accused of her murder, the husband and daughter go into hiding. Five years later they get a lead on the possible killer and head off to Alaska...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I Heard The Owl Call My Name: Margaret Craven
An oldie, but a goody. An ill vicar is sent to a Native American town and learns more about life than what he could teach. A white man falsely becomes friends with the native to basically steal a symbol of their heritage showing how white man has always treated the wiser natives. The vicar eventually dies but learns more about friendship and life than most.
Abandon: Blake Crouch
Another fantastic and disturbing story about the depths of greed and the darkness of man. This story explores human relationships and an abandoned mining town. An estranged father invites his journalist daughter to the mountains to do a story on ghost hunters. His real motive is uncovered when the group gets killed off one by one by others also looking for the legendary gold. The chase just seems to continue minus one person till the very end. Action packed with an ending that is both a relief and depressing.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Paragon Walk: Anne Perry
A cute Victorian mystery solved by the policeman's wife. The snide exchanges between the women are very amusing.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Beaded Hope: Cathy Liggett
A deeply religious and inspiring book about helping others and being thankful for what you have. A group of four women in harrowing times of their lives go to South Africa with their church and find meaning in their lives. They bring back bead work made by the local women to sell in the states as a form of income for the Africans to feed their family and get treatment for AIDS.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Afraid: Jack Kilborn
An insanely intense book. I loved the number of characters that were dynamic and you got to know. It was also very unpredictable and characters wee killed off like flies, which disturbed me. A red ops team lands in a small town in Wisconsin and kills off the entire town (-3) in order to find a man who had become a recluse and no one had information on where he lived. Fast paced and hard to put down.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Girl in the Green Raincoat: Laura Lippman
This was a cutesy short novel geared toward older readers I think. It didn't really hold my interest, but it was a short enough read that I finished. A woman is on bed rest and sees the same lady in a green raincoat daily walking her dog. When one day the dog is out by itself she becomes a detective to determine what happened to the woman, who ended up being a murderer.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Stealing Faces: Michael Prescott
Actually a very good book once you get into it. I liked how the relationship between the two characters leaves you guessing until the end. A man stalks women, then takes them to the desert giving them a head start before he hunts them, until he realises someone is hunting him and knows what he is.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Trapped: Greg Iles
A very well written suspenseful book. A crazed man sets out to murder the family of his dead mother's doctor, who he believes let her die. Suspenseful and fast paced
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Christmas Box: Richard Paul Evans
An insightful book that will ground you about what is really important in life. A man and his young family move into an elderly woman's home to become caretakers and learn the importance of living.
The Truth Machine: James Halperin
An interesting look into the speculative future if a machine is developed that detects when someone is lying. The idea behind the book is that the problems in the world are caused by corrupt and greedy individuals in power. The machine starts in the court system to determine the guilt of criminals, but then becomes a daily part of life, children at the age of four wear them and no one lies. It is an interesting story of utopia? interwoven with the story of the truth machine's inventor, a genius and murderer. I wasn't thinking there would be a happy ending, yet there was and in a disturbing way I was disappointed.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Head Game: Tim Downs
A great book, it started a little slow and I wasn't sure where it was going, but it was intense and unpredictable. I liked the comic in the beginning, that was a fresh new idea and neat that the author did that as well. A group of military friends are being hunted by a man whose life the unknowingly destroyed and the one man's daughter is pulled into the scheme. I was still left wondering why the hired girl had to look like the man's daughter...?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Scarpetta: Patricia Cornwell
A good story, but you need to know a lot of background info that must have been provided in the previous stories and I am reading them out of order. By the middle of the book you have a pretty good idea "who dunnit" but not why or how, an intense book about hate crime and creeps.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Postmortem: Patricia Cornwell
A very good book about a serial murderer of women who have no connection. I liked that the criminal was not someone introduced in the book and everyone was suspected.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Missing Justice: Alafair Burke
Didn't like this book, but it was something to read, I realize it was the author's first book and she was trying to develop the character to be tough, but she just came across as bitter. She tried too hard on character development, Kincaid feels forced on the reader. The plot seemed to take forever to move forward and it was boring and ordinary. A judge is murdered and they think they found the right man, but it became the person you never heard about until the end.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Don't Breathe a Word: Jennifer McMahon
Very unbelievable. I enjoyed the first part of the book knowing she writes with all sorts of twists and turns, but the ending and how she tied everything together was corny and better fit for a teen story. However, the book was still entertaining even with the idea of faeries carting off children.
The Plague Maker: Tim Downs
A very good book. A Japanese Scientist in biological warfare from WWII still seeking revenge for the death of his sister from the atomic bombs came up with the ultimate plan to destroy the Americans. Working with Arab terrorists he has constructed plague filled fireworks set to go off on the 4th of July celebrations. Action packed, suspenseful, and packed with historical facts.
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Bone Garden: Tess Gerritsen
I am not sure how this fits into the Rizzoli and Isles series, Isles was literally mentioned in one chapter and had a short conversation. The story was a cross between a historical novel and a romance, with the idea of reincarnation thrown in unessessarly. A newly divorced woman moves into a new house and finds bones in her garden- now unless I missed something, it never goes into who and why those bones are there- since the woman was murdered. The new house owner meets the previous house owner's relative and they find out about the house builder's history through letters. We also never find out if the previous owner's death was natural or murder- so there are two unfinished story lines and a bunch of unnessary stuff instead. I think this will be the last book of hers I read...
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Vanish: Tess Gerritsen
This was a very different book for Gerritsen- conspiracies and hostages. I don't know why autopsies are done in every book, it made sense in this one, but it made it obvious that EVERY book gets at least one autopsy, needed or not. I had trouble believing in this book, there was so much focus on not letting anyone know Rizzoli was the pregnant woman being held hostage and corny suspense on finding out who the two "villains" were. There was also a three day old baby reaching up to grab grandma's face- really? BUT, it was a very good book.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Body Double: Tess Gerritsen
This was a Rizzoli and Isles book, I like the series of Gerritsen, I have trouble getting into her other books. Isles comes home from vacation to find a dead body in front of her house- that looks just like her. In this book she finds out her parents were mass murders attacking pregnant women and selling their babies and that she had a twin sister. Rizzoli was pregnant in this book and I was expecting her to be kidnapped, I was glad it didn't happen.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Gravity: Tess Gerritsen
This book was very different in that it dealt with space and testing of a fungus? found on the sea floor originally from space. It had a weird star wars undertone and was a little corny. I had trouble getting into it and knew somehow the female protagonist would survive even when everyone else on the ship was infected and dead. There seemed to be a lot of surreal perfection conditions and occurrences happening for the story to play out. I kept wondering "ok, so you let it out into space and now what? what keeps it from living out there?" This was not one of her better books and not something I would recommend.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bloodstream: Tess Gerritsen
Oddly similar to Stephen King's IT at the beginning where something happens to the youth every 50 years. They end up finding natural coincidences in fungi that grow when there is an extremely wet year and explain it all scientifically. Actually it was interesting as well as creepy.
Life Support: Tess Gerritsen
Another quick read, hard to put down medical mystery. This one had a few weird points that I got hung up on, like that the doctor would be the one to question Molly about the pregnancy instead of the police. There was a weird sci fi twist to the book, though I realize with medical advancements, these ideas are more likely to happen. I was also thinking " oh come on" when the doctors were making out right after their patient was being bullied and that Dr Wallenberg felt guilty about killing Dr. Harper when he was responsible for several other deaths. Prostitutes are impregnated with life forms? used to treat the elderly to slow down aging. The doctor suspects the local retirement community and the retirement doctors try not only to ruin her life, but take it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Jamaica Inn: Daphne Du Maurier
I don't know what I was expecting, a ghost story I guess, but this book was nothing that I had imagined. It was dark and after the second chapter hard to put down. I found it interesting that Mary was referred to as young, yet we find out she was 23 when her mother died and she went to live with her aunt and violent uncle. In the 1800's she should have been married by then! This was a cute mystery story with villains and love.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Harvest: Tess Gerritsen
Disturbing and oddly intriguing. this book was very different from the previous three I have read of hers and was surprised that it was a medical mystery with different characters. I also enjoyed the twists and turns where Abby was not sure who to trust. A good read. Orphans are being purchased and kept alive until their organs provide a match someone wealthy and ill.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Townie: Andre Dubus III
Another excellent book from Dubus. His writing is so pure and he effectively exposes humanity at its best, worst, and most passionate. I applaud him for his ability to see a person as a whole and not static bad and good characters. A very heartfelt story about growing up in a dysfunctional, but typical family.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Shaken: J.A. Konrath
Excellent book. I enjoyed not only how each chapter transitioned, but also the flashbacks through Daniel's career and the further development of the characters. Even more intriguing than his other works, I never want this series to end. I can't fathom what the next and last book will be like.
Ice Cold: Tess Gerritsen
I know I am reading these books out of order, so the introduction of another character threw me for a bit. This book was so different from the others. A back woods adventure packing heat and a lot of surprises and merging stories. A woman goes to a medical conference and meets up with a coworker. They go off with his friends for the weekend and get the car stuck. After finding a mysteriously abandoned community they are hunted to keep from bringing attention to the disappearances and suspicion of foul play.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Apprentice: Tess Gerritsen
Though it was still a good book, I thought the whole idea that everything the villain did was for the detective's benefit, it was drilled into the reader to the point of boredom.
The Surgeon: Tess Gerritsen
This was a very good fast paced read. I thought I had the villian figured out, but then someone new was introduced. I picked up more of her books, they are as good as J A Konrath and I was excited to see she has a series- something to keep me busy.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Ophelia: Lisa Klein
A cute, though predictable book taken from Ophelia's view of what happened in Hamlet. The last 100 pages really went far away from the book and seemed to move slowly, but it was an entertaining read.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Cate of the Lost Colony: Lisa Klein
A cute historical work of fiction for young girls. The right amount of adventure, drama, and passion to keep teens reading.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Sheltering Sky: Paul Bowles
An interesting unpredictable book about a couple who travel to North Africa hoping to work on their marriage, but come to a devastating end. The husband dies from disease and the wife is kidnapped and married into an abusive Muslim family. Had a very slow beginning, but made the reader think about human relationships when finished reading.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Two Girls of Gettysburg: Lisa Klein
A cute book for teens about the Civil War and how families were torn apart fighting on different sides.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Anthony and Cleopatra: William Shakespeare
Not one of the most exciting Shakespeare plays I have read, but now I can say I read it, mark it off my list.
Jonathon Livingston Seagull: Richard Bach
A co-worker asked if I had read this book, so I was surprised that it was not only geared for children, but religious and very oddly put together.
The Sojouner: Carson McCullers
A very short story about how quickly life passes and about lost time and lost life. A great example of a "mood" piece, very sad story.
The Ballad of Sad Cafe: Carson McCullers
An interesting short story centering around the idea of a lover and a beloved, and the power of love to both redeem and destroy.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Love's Labor's Lost: Shakespeare
This story mentions Cuckold's so many times I got to the point where I was thinking...is there anything more to this story? About a king to decides to become chaste to devote himself to his studies, however a princess and her escorts arrive at the castle and the king and his court all fall in love. When the women leave they vow that if they are still loved in one year they will marry the men. A very short play, with very little happening.
Kiss Me Deadly: Mickey Spillane
A good book to read to compare how far mysteries have evolved since the 1950's, still an interesting read. I like how it ended without knowing if the protagonist made it out alive.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Out of the Dark: Sharon Sala
A good book with unbelievable events - like that a four year old missing child in the 70's would have had fingerprints on file that would link the identity of the woman 20 years later. This story went from bad to pointless, but I didn't know it was a romance when I picked it up, so the constant reminders by the author that the woman was weak and a damsel in distress was annoying to me. No one is that weak and manipulative. Wasn't able to finish it.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
As You Like It: William Shakespeare
A cute and clever story about love. Of course there are disguises and evil family members, but it was enjoyable since there were so many characters with their own stories. I liked the development of Orlando and his foils Silvius and Touchstone.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The Tempest: William Shakespeare
An amusing classic, not sure why I didn't enjoy Shakespeare in high school, this is not one of my favorite of his works, but it is still entertaining.
Lady Macbeth's Daughter: Lisa Klein
A clever book for young readers to get them interested in Shakespeare. I enjoyed the book and actually picked it up while getting some Shakespeare works. A quick read and appropriate for the targeted age group.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Keepers of The House: Shirley Ann Grau
A story about growing up in the south with racial tension. I didn't like the protagonist and had a hard time feeling sorry for her when her barn was burned since she was treating her step relatives with the same arrogant attitude. I was annoyed and angry at the end.
Lost Girls: George d. Shuman
Interesting book about the trafficking of women and well researched. The part where the book turns to be a mystery with suspense was sort of short, seemed like 75% of the book was introduction. It was still a fast read and entertaining. I would read his other books.
Monday, April 4, 2011
A Prayer for Katerina Horovitzova
A book about the horror of the holocaust. The story focuses on a young woman and several other American prisoners who were given hope and a ride to the sea in a hoax that they would return to the States if they paid enough. There was never any chance of them leaving and the story shows the strength of those in the camps and cruelty and idea of sport of the Nazis. Throughout the whole story you hope for a happy ending, but know it isn't going to happen.
King Arthur and His Knights: Howard Pyle
Interesting, if not a dry read. I had though King Arthur was just a child when he pulled the sword from the stone, but he was 18, and died at 25? The story of how he tricked Guinevere into marring him sort of foreshadowed how she would fall in love with someone else. Glad I read it simply for the fact that it refreshed my mind on the stories.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Locked Doors: Blake Crouch
An even more disturbing sequel to Desert Places. I hate how people are killed without adding to the plot, it takes away from the story and basically forces me to tune out sections of the book. This will be the last book of his that I read, I don't even like the characters.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Desert Places: Blake Crouch
disturbing disturbing disturbing! I knew the ending wouldn't be pretty or go as planned and was scared about the outcome the entire time- A very creepy book. The repeated reference to the ugly painting confused me, unless it was simply to contrast the main characters.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Breathing Lessons: Anne Tyler
Amusing characters in a story about getting older and worrying about an empty nest and how to deal with the future. The character Maggie is annoying, but at the same time you pity her. This story also accurately compared how differently men and women handle things.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Pearl in the Storm: Tori Murden McClure
Not only is this book very interesting, but her determination makes the reader want to strive for more in their own life. The book is about one woman's journey across the Atlantic in a row boat. As I was reading I kept thinking, the storm would have done me in, if I made it through that, the sharks would have done me in etc. I would have been scared to death every single day, yet she uses the time to reflect on her life and think about what brought her to this moment. Very Inspiring, very amazing. At one point I was relieved she actually called for help because I was getting stressed out, though I wanted her to make it. A very uplifting, good read about actually living life.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Come A Stranger: Cynthia Voigt
A coming of age teen story about realizing racism as well as the difficulties of finding yourself when growing up.
Cherry Bomb: J A Konrath
Wow, I was wrong about the death at the end of the other book. This book was even better than the rest. I am now curious about what happens in the last two...
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fuzzy Navel: J A Konrath
I knew Alex Kork would be making a return when she was kept alive in the last book. Even though that was predictable, having her show up in the first chapter was not. Another great suspenseful story. I didn't understand how Kork was like a new character- she met Jack's boyfriend in the last novel, but it is presented as new to her in this book. I am annoyed that Alex is still loose at the end of this book. I am almost certain that the death was Jack's mom, that way Harry and Jack don't have to be civil like siblings. I was originally thinking it was Latham, but he never had any smart comments for Alex.
Dirty Martini: J A Konrath
Another action packed, fantasic book. I finished the book not understanding why Jason Alger was chosen...did I miss something? That loose end is bothering me...
Rusty Nail: J A Konrath
I love these books! So much happens with the various characters in so few pages. Konrath has really mastered the art of storytelling. I really did not like the character of Holly in this story, she seemed predicatable, but then she wasn't, then she becomes the person you thought she'd be and you are shocked. I enjoyed the cleverness of adding this character and reread the book to see it with the new twist. I love how many different scenes and ideas are incorporated into each book, but loathe how expendable the characters are, though it adds to the sense of disbelief and unpredictability. The book ended without saying how Phin was, just that he survived. I like that character :(
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Whacked: Jules Asner
Funny read. not sure if whacked was supposed to refer to the murder, the protagonist, her movie or all three. Very original book making fun of life in Hollywood, similar to Star Island by Carl Hiaasen.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Yes, My Darling Daughter: Margaret Leroy
Interesting story. The tone is very cold and factual, but still invites you to read. It was interesting how she structured the story, it went from child with problems, where the parent is embarrassed and obsessed with her child's behavior to a mystery and happy ending.
Bloody Mary: J A Konrath
Even better than the first book, Konrath brings back his lovable characters with a completely different murder theme. Half way through the book the investigation is solved, which leaves you wondering what happens in the rest of the story and why it is titled Bloody Mary. The number of deaths in this story is very disturbing, though it adds to the shock factor, you never predict the next move.
Whiskey Sour: J A Konrath
Very clever novel, I really enjoyed the humor and the story, it was unpredictable and original. Have started the search for the rest of the series. The male author really made a funny and believable female protagonist.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Aunt Dimity, Paranormal Detective: Nancy Atherton
One of those cutsie unbelievable books when half of the little occurrences are unrealistic. Geared towards older women for light entertainment? I had trouble getting through the first story, it was a little pointless to me and the characters were boring. You knew Will was going to play Prince Charming yada yada, but a coworker suggested the series, which I had already requested from the library, so I plowed on. The second story was better, but I still didn't like the characters and it was also predictable. Even though the writer is not English, it struck me as very English-woman style writing. The series should be retitled "Aunt Dimity matchmaker".
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What I Thought I Knew: Alice Eve Cohen
This story is actually a memoir about an infertile woman having a transgender baby. I loved how honest she is, she doesn't try to make herself look like a perfect person in this situation, you hear all her fears and her fear talking. A very good book full of surprises.
The Wolves of Andover: Kathleen Kent
An ok book, felt like it was written more for teenagers than adults with a predictable plot. The ending just sort of stopped and didn't seem complete. I wasn't able to get into it and it seemed to take a while to finish.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Breathless: Dean Koontz
Hilarious book and very quotable, some of my favorites; "Nothing moved...until something did" "He washed the dishes. This would have to be an annoyance that he would have to tolerate until he found a woman to keep in the potato cellar" "Henry gained confidence from the fact that his underwear remained dry" "She had never treated a duck. She didn't know how ducks thought or if they thought much at all. The duck was a distraction. To hell with the duck."
The Vet and the man with Merlin were amusing, it was hard to take the book seriously and be scared with all the added humor. They had unidentifiable creatures crawling into their lap and sofa and all the while they are bickering on what to name them. Henry thinks his dead brother is alive and stalking him, yet he can't stop thinking about all the women he will enslave in the potato cellar. "He thought about how cozy he would feel on a winter night, going to bed here in the house, with the knowledge that in the barn were penned and shackled a herd of beautiful women, with perhaps a barn cat to keep them company." It's just all so random and bizzarre, but very entertaining.
The Vet and the man with Merlin were amusing, it was hard to take the book seriously and be scared with all the added humor. They had unidentifiable creatures crawling into their lap and sofa and all the while they are bickering on what to name them. Henry thinks his dead brother is alive and stalking him, yet he can't stop thinking about all the women he will enslave in the potato cellar. "He thought about how cozy he would feel on a winter night, going to bed here in the house, with the knowledge that in the barn were penned and shackled a herd of beautiful women, with perhaps a barn cat to keep them company." It's just all so random and bizzarre, but very entertaining.
The Garden of Last Days: Andre Dubus
As fantastic as House of Sand and Fog. His character development is amazing, I enjoy how he brings the characters together and then drifts them apart. I was expecting a horrific ending as in House of Sand and Fog and received one, though not in the form I was expecting. Great read I was sad to finish it and was surprised on how sad and meaningless the ending was, though everyone got on with their lives.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Stars Shine Down: Sidney Sheldon
My first book by this author and was recommended by a friend. A few chapters in I was disheartened since I am not into architecture or city life, but the story became intriguing and I was hooked. The author developed the characters to be both mysterious and likable. You know something terrible is going to happen to the protagonist since she creates so many enemies, but hope it turns out all right. A very enjoyable read and much different than what I have been reading.
Don't You Forget About Me: Jancee Dunn
One of those pointless cute books to fill a couple hours. A woman gets divorced and moves back in with her parents when she is in her thirties and takes a new look at life. The story is not only about how your parents reclaim their lives once you move out turning into people you don't know, but also about moving on with life. The character is stuck in her high school days. The story line is sort of confusing how it flashes back to seemingly pointless events and then continues in present day. The plot was easy predicted in the first few chapters though nothing really happens, it seemed like more of a teen read than geared for adults.
Lamb The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal: Christopher Moore
Hilarious, but perverted though still an entertaining read. The story recovers the lost 30 years of Christ' s childhood in an amusing way.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
4th of July: James Patterson
Super suspenseful and impossible to predict, he never fails to deliver. Excellent mystery.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Even Silence Has an End: Ingrid Betancourt
Even though I know stuff like this still happens today, the entire story surprised me. What a horrible waste of six years. The suffering she had to endure was also terrible, not only was she a hostage and treated brutally, but living in the wilderness with crocodiles, ants, bees, and piranhas among other things. This book was something everyone should read though difficult to put into words.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society:Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
A light hearted read written through correspondence by an author and her followers about what happened during World War Two. Through the letters the people become friends and learn who were the true heroes of the war, cute ending.
Andersonville: MacKinlay Kantor
This book was daunting and hard to get into. I would read ten pages and it didn't seem to make a dent in how much was left to read. It was an interesting read, especially if you are into history and the civil war era, but not exciting. I stopped and read several other books while getting through this one. It did force me to look up other things that happened during this time, like the sinking of Sultana, so it was a good educational read.
Elizabeth Street: Laurie Fabiano
Fantastic book, definitely not one you should judge from the cover. Reading this you can tell it was written as a labor of love for her ancestors that endured so much, so bravely. This story was one about the ties of family and how closely they functioned and took care of each other, which has changed in today's world. The story was terribly sad, but the perseverance of the family left you feeling hopeful. I would read this again and have recommended it to several people. So much happened between the covers that it would be difficult to summarize, one you need to read for yourself.
All the Kings Men: Robert Penn Warren
This book seemed to start very slowly with a lot of focus on Cass Mastern's story. I thought it interesting that the book started in the present where Jack tells the readers everyone who dies and Then starts from the beginning and plays catch up. I was thinking the line "Man was conceived in sin and born in corruption was a bit redundant and kept thinking "oh come on already" but once you are finished with the book you look back on it and see how well it was crafted and how every occurrence built to the end. Warren used that line to describe all of the characters. There is a lot one can read into this story, like Jack's last name being "Burden" and him being responsible for the death of two men whom he respected. A very good heart breaking book even though you sort of know how it ends.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Same Kind of different As Me: Ron Hall and Denver Moore
Very interesting book, it was hard to believe that the book was true let alone that it happened in our life time. An incredible story about how two broken people come together to make each other whole. I enjoyed how the authors compared their take on everyday things that most of us don't even think about, like Denver's thoughts on catch and release.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Road: Comac McCarthy
Very interesting take on the end of the world, being both believable and frightening. No Zombies, no mad scientist, no weird background story, you are left to determine what happened to cause anarchy. The conversations between the father and son tell a lot of what life has become. There is really nothing to talk about but survival. The man tries to make his son into a man so he can fend for himself (since he knows he is dying) yet the son is still a child, scared, forgetful, unable to think, and kind. He doesn't have the survival skills needed to make it in the new world and is lucky the story ends as it does, though I am not sure why the family followed them and didn't make themselves known until the father dies.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
When You are Engulfed in Flames: David Sedaris
I love this guy, he makes me laugh out loud in the worse places ( maybe I shouldn't be reading there?) I love how you understand the reason for his cover picture and title as you read the book. A must read.
Three Cups of Tea: Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
I was expecting to read a book about Pakistan and Afghanistan, so I was confused when it started about mountain climbing. Of course after reading the back I don't know where my misconception arose. Interesting book, if not exceptionally exciting and fast pace. More of a heart warming read.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
An American Tragedy: Theodore Dreiser
Unfortunatly this is a very believable book about the life of a thoughtless boy. He was raised in a very religious and considerate family, but escaped to live life like others his age. He was young and invincible, not caring how his actions hurt others and only thinking about what others could do for him. At first you feel sorry for Clyde and the way he is manipulated, but he becomes the manipulator and believes he is above the law and his life is more important than any other.
David Boring: Daniel Clowes
The first comic book I have read so it was an interesting experience. I found the lack of a plot odd.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Farm City: Novella Carpenter
Very amusing and insightful book, I just couldn't get over the vision of chicks and ducklings taking over an entire room in an apartment and waltzing into the neighbors houses to poop. The story was heartwarming though with how the neighborhood supported and were intrigued with her efforts. One of those books you would read over, interesting and humorous.
The Last War: Ana Menedez
I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen in this book, but I was expecting SOMETHING to happen. The whole story is centered around a couple's marriage and how when she is separated from him realises they are not in love and she can't trust him. His death is alluded to in the beginning, so you read waiting for something monumental to happen. He becomes a war casualty and she realises she does need him. The end. I know it was suppose to be an emotional story, but I couldn't get into it.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The Witness: Dee Henderson
This story was rather slow with unlikely events, like three guys falling for the three sisters? There was a religious undertone that seemed like too much and out of place for this story. This was not something I would recommend, nor would I search for her works.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sworn to Silence: Linda Castillo
A fantastic mystery for an author's first book. Very quick read and suspenseful. One of those unpredictable stories and I am bummed Castillo doesn't have any other books for me to read yet.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Eye Contact: Cammie McGovern
An interesting murder mystery with a surprisingly large back story. The pointless murder of a little girl brings childhood friends back together and teaches characters the strength of their loved ones. Interesting and suspenseful, though it took a while to get into.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Annexed: Sharon Dogar
This story is told from Peter Van Pels' (boy in hiding with Anne Frank) point of view. He is at one of the death camps and plays his life over through his head. Very cleverly constructed and well thought out. You can't really say much about a novel like this, but that the author did well in the writing and keeping alive his memory.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Summer We Read Gatsby: Danielle Ganek
Not what I was expecting, (judging the book by it's cover) but an entertaining light hearted read. Made me want to read Gatsby again, though is it not a major theme in the story.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Cakewalk: Kate Moses
A story about family, life, and the foods encountered along the way, mixed in with recipes. An ok read.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Pray For Silence: Linda Castillo
This was a very good mystery about an Amish family being brutally murdered. It was original and the build up of suspense was amazing. I had no idea who to suspect since the evidence kept turning. I found it interesting that the warehouse was never a key to finding the killer.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Imperial Bedrooms: Bret Easton Ellis
I hadn't read the precursor to this book Less Than Zero, so it took about 20 pages to get into the story. It is strangely impersonal and detached writing. Odd and disturbing book.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Emigrants: W.G Sebald
I had this on a list of books I wanted to read and now can't remember why. The story is divided into sections by people and their journeys across the globe. All four stories are very sad though pure and true with actual pictures included.
How Did You Get This Number: Sloane Crosley
A collection of stories completely unrelated, other than reminiscing about life. Her Humor is very similar to David Sedaris'.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Backseat Saints: Joshilyn Jackson
A story about an abused wife raised by an abusive father. Throughout the first part of the book you think "well leave already" then you get into her mindset. A sad story about an empty shell of a woman who finds meaning in her life, mixed in with some action and hope. Surprising ending where the protagonist feels no remorse. Unfortunately very believable.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Fragile: Lisa Unger
Interesting murder mystery, you know who "dun it" but the ending changes slightly with a happier ending. The story is built around how events in your childhood shape who you become and even the profession you choose. It also explores the connections between unimportant actions of individuals resulting in something huge. The ending feels a little less put together, a little less polished that the rest of the book, but still a fun read.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept: Paulo Coelho
This was a very spiritual and powerful book about the power and importance of love. There were several enlightening paragraphs on religion spoken in a way I have never heard, but very impressive. A was content upon finishing it and felt at peace. The person who recommended the book cried at the end, but it must affect people differently.
Neighborhood Watch: Cammie McGovern
Clever book though hard to believe until the author keeps adding details each chapter. I had no idea who had murdered the neighbor and the writing enabled you to judge everyone including the protagonist who spent 12 years in jail (and surprisingly does not fell bitter). Right before the culprit is announced the readers sees the whole picture, but then the story ends with one more twist. I enjoyed the book and felt like it took minutes to read and was one of those lighthearted entertainments. I enjoyed the idea that things happen for a reason and everyone grew because of the experiences the town went through.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Scat: Carl Hiaason
I love his stories, the ones for young readers are so heartwarming and innocent. He has mastered the craft of story telling without having to use violence and bitterness. His characters also fight for the preservation of nature and the bad guys are destroying the world. The characters are very believable and age appropriate.
The Stuff That Never Happened: Maddie Dawson
This was not a book I would typically pick up, but I saw it on some summer reading list and got it. It was more complex than a book about an unhappily married woman looking back at her life, but difficult to describe. It is so cleverly written and flows through time so flawlessly that my emotions were on a roller coaster. I enjoyed the ending and would recommend this read to anyone, especially newlyweds. It was an eye opener on what to expect out of marriage without being candy coated or cynical. I know I am not doing this book justice, but one needs to read it to become completely immersed for themselves.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Flush: Carl Hiaasen
Very clever and original idea for a children's story. Fast paced and fun as well as believable. I was amused that the dad's name was Paine and his wife thought he was one. Amusing read without being a sci fi.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Juliet: Anne Fortier
A Dan Brown type mystery for women including a love story. The story gets sort of odd when the idea of reincarnation is added, but overall a very good read.
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